Mastering Git: Commands, Workflows, and Real-Life Scenarios

Mastering Git: Commands, Workflows, and Real-Life Scenarios

Git is a powerful version control system that has become an essential tool for developers worldwide. In this article, we will explore Git's core concepts, commands, and workflows with real-world use cases to help you understand its functionality better.

What is Git?

Git, short for Global Information Tracker, is used to track files, maintain multiple versions of files, and collaborate efficiently on projects. Unlike other version control systems such as SVN or Mercurial, Git stands out for its distributed architecture, speed, and robust branching and merging capabilities. This makes it an ideal choice for both small teams and large-scale open-source projects. It is:

  • Platform-independent

  • Free and open-source

  • Efficient in handling larger projects

  • Written in C programming and released in 2005

Git Workflow in Real-Time

Git workflow typically involves the following stages:

This diagram illustrates the transition between key Git stages: Working Directory, Staging Area, and Repository. Let’s break them down:

1. Working Directory:

This is where your project files reside. Git is initially unaware of the changes until files are staged or committed.

Example: You’re working on a web project with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. You add a new feature in script.js, but Git doesn’t track this change until you explicitly stage it with git add script.js.

2. Staging Area:

This is like a draft area where you prepare changes before committing.

Example: You’ve updated style.css and index.html. Instead of committing these files directly, you add them to the staging area using git add style.css index.html. This ensures only the selected changes are part of the next commit.

3. Repository:

The repository is your project’s database. It contains the complete history of your changes.

Example: After staging your changes, you commit them to the repository using git commit -m "Added responsive design". This creates a checkpoint you can revert to if needed.

Real-Time Case Study: Collaborative Development

Imagine a team of developers working on a mobile application. They use Git to manage their project efficiently, enabling seamless collaboration by allowing each developer to work independently on different features. By regularly committing changes and using branches, the team minimizes the likelihood of merge conflicts. In case of overlapping modifications, Git’s conflict resolution tools highlight discrepancies, making it easier to integrate changes without overwriting anyone’s work. This collaborative workflow ensures all team members stay aligned while maintaining code quality and productivity.

  1. Local and Remote Repositories:

    • Each developer clones the project repository using git clone repo-url.

    • They work on features in their local repositories and push changes to the remote repository hosted on GitHub.

  2. Branches for Features:

    • Developer A creates a branch feature/login using git checkout -b feature/login to work on the login feature.

    • Developer B works on feature/signup.

  3. Merging and Resolving Conflicts:

    • Developer A merges the feature/login branch into master using git merge feature/login. If there are conflicts with feature/signup, Git highlights them for resolution.

Git Commands with Scenarios

CommandDescriptionUse Case
git add file_nameStages changes to a file, preparing it for the next commit.You modify to include a new API endpoint. Use git add to stage this change for your next commit.
git statusShows the current status of your working directory and staging area.Before committing, run git status to ensure all intended files are staged.
git logDisplays the commit history.To review recent commits, use git log. For a concise view, git log --oneline lists commits with abbreviated IDs and messages.
git reset --soft HEAD~1Unstages the last commit but keeps changes in the working directory.You accidentally committed incomplete code. Use this to re-edit your files.
Create a .gitignore fileSpecifies files and directories to be ignored by Git.Add *.log to .gitignore to exclude log files from being tracked.

This table provides a quick reference to commonly used Git commands along with their descriptions and practical use cases.

1. Tracking Files:

  • Command: git add file_name

  • Scenario: You modify to include a new API endpoint. Use git add to stage this change for your next commit.

2. Checking the Status:

  • Command: git status

  • Scenario: Before committing, run git status to ensure all intended files are staged.

3. Viewing History:

  • Command: git log

  • Scenario: To review recent commits, use git log. For a concise view, git log --oneline lists commits with abbreviated IDs and messages.

4. Resetting Changes:

  • Command: git reset --soft HEAD~1

  • Scenario: You accidentally committed incomplete code. Use git reset --soft HEAD~1 to unstage the last commit and re-edit your files.

5. Ignoring Files:

  • Command: Create a .gitignore file

  • Scenario: Add *.log to .gitignore to exclude log files from being tracked.

Advanced Git Features

1. Git Revert:

This command undoes changes by creating a new commit.

  • Command: git revert commit_id

  • Scenario: A recent commit introduced a bug. Use git revert to roll back the changes while preserving the commit history.

2. Git Cherry-Pick:

Select specific commits to apply to another branch.

  • Command: git cherry-pick commit_id

  • Scenario: A hotfix made on the hotfix branch needs to be applied to master. Use git cherry-pick to apply the fix without merging the entire branch.

3. Git Stash:

Temporarily save changes you’re not ready to commit.

  • Command: git stash

  • Scenario: You’re working on a feature but need to switch branches. Stash your changes with git stash and retrieve them later using git stash apply.

Git Alternatives

While Git is widely used, alternatives include:

  • GitLab: A Git-based platform that not only provides version control but also integrates CI/CD pipelines, enabling teams to automate build, test, and deploy workflows. This can be ideal for projects requiring a streamlined DevOps process.

    Pros: Robust CI/CD integration, self-hosting options, and enhanced security controls for enterprise use. Cons: Higher resource usage when self-hosted, and some features are locked behind premium tiers.

  • SVN (Apache Subversion): A centralized version control system that stores data in a central repository, making it easy to manage access controls and monitor changes in real-time.

    Pros: Simpler for small teams, effective for managing large binary files. Cons: Lacks the distributed nature of Git, making it less resilient to server outages.

  • Bitbucket: Supports both Git and Mercurial repositories and integrates seamlessly with other Atlassian products like Jira.

    Pros: Ideal for teams already using Atlassian tools, strong code review capabilities. Cons: Limited free tier for larger teams compared to platforms like GitHub.

Understanding the strengths and trade-offs of these alternatives can help teams choose the right tool for their specific workflows and collaboration needs.

  • GitLab: A Git-based platform with CI/CD features.

  • SVN: A centralized version control system.

  • Bitbucket: Supports Git and Mercurial repositories.

GIT LOG: is a command in the Git version control system that shows a history of commits made in a Git repository. It displays a list of past changes, including information like the commit message, author, date, and a unique identifier for each commit.


git log

used to see the history of the git

git log --oneline

used to see only commit ID's and messages

git log --pretty=oneline

Used to get only commit ID's and messages

git log -1

used to see the latest commit

git log -3

used to see latest 3 commits

git log --follow --all filename

used to see the no of commits for a single file

git log --graph --oneline --all

see all the history in graph

GIT AMEND: it is a Git command used to make changes to the most recent Git commit. It allows you to edit the commit message, add additional changes, or both.


git commit --amend -m "message"

used to change the commit message for a latest commit

git commit --amend --author "username "

used to change the author of latest commit

git commit --amend --no-edit

used to commit the changes with previous commit

GIT RESET: is a command in Git that allows you to move the HEAD and the current branch pointer to a specific commit, effectively "rewinding" or "resetting" your project's state. It's commonly used to undo changes or to unstage commits.


git reset --hard HEAD~1

used to delete the latest commit along with the changes

git reset --hard HEAD~3

used to delete the latest 3 commits along with the changes

git reset --soft HEAD~1

used to delete only commits but not actions/changes

git reset --soft HEAD~3

used to delete only latest commits but not actions/changes

GIT REVERT: is a command that allows you to undo or reverse the changes made in a previous commit. It creates a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by the specified commit, effectively taking your code back to a previous state without deleting commit history

git revert commit_id

used to delete a particular commit action and add a new commit for the change


  • It will be useful when you don't want to track some specific files then we use a file called .gitignore

  • create some text files and create a directory with "jpg" files.


  • A branch represents an independent line of development.

  • The git branch command lets you create, list, rename, and delete branches.

  • The default branch name in Git is master.

  • allows you to work on different features or changes to your code independently, without affecting the main or other branches.

  • It's a way to organize and manage your code changes, making it easier to collaborate and maintain your project.


git branch

used to see the list of branches

git branch branch-name

to create a branch

git checkout branch-name

to switch one branch to another

git checkout -b branch-name

used to create and switch a branch at a time

git branch -m old-branch new-branch

used to rename a branch

git branch -d branch-name

to delete a branch

git branch branch-name deleted-branch-id

Used to get deleted branch id

git branch -D branch-name

to delete a branch forcefully

The -d option will delete the branch only if it has already been pushed and merged with the remote branch. Use -D instead if you want to force the branch to be deleted, even if it hasn't been pushed or merged yet. The branch is now deleted locally.

Now all the things you have done is on your local system.


Git merge is a command used in the Git version control system to combine changes from one branch.

To merge: git merge branch_name


Git cherry-pick is a command in Git that allows you to take a specific commit from one branch and apply it to another branch. It's like picking a cherry (commit) from one branch and adding it to another branch, allowing you to selectively copy individual commits without merging the entire branch.

Command: git cherry-pick commit_id


GIT makes merging super easy!

CONFLICTS generally araise when two people two people have changed the same lines in a file (or) if one developer deleted a file while another developer is working on the same file!

In this situation git cannot determine what is correct!

Lets understand in a simple way!

cat>file1 : hai all

add & commit

git checkout -b branch1

cat>file1 : 1234

add & commit

git checkout master

cat>>file1 : abcd

add & commit

git merge branch1 : remove it

git diff file1

vim file1

git add

git commit -m "final commits"

NOTE: Don't give file name on commit

Identify Merge Conflicts:

  • see the file in master branch then you will see both the data in a single file including branch names that are dividing with conflict messages

Resolve Conflicts:

open file in VIM EDITOR and delete all the conflict dividers and save it!

  • add git to that file and commit it with the command (git commit -m "merged and resolved the conflict issue in abc.txt")

GIT REBASE: Git rebase is a Git command used to incorporate changes from one branch into another. It allows you to re-organize and streamline the commit history by moving or combining commits from one branch onto another.

Command: git rebase-branch

GIT STASH: Using the git stash command, developers can temporarily save changes made in the working directory. It allows them to quickly switch contexts when they are not quite ready to commit changes. And it allows them to more easily switch between branches.

Generally, the stash's meaning is "store something safely in a hidden place."


git stash

to delete the changes temporarly

git stash save "message"

to save the stash along with the message

git stash apply

to get back the data again

git stash list

to get the list of stashes

git stash clear

to clear all stashes

git stash pop

to delete the first stash

git stash drop

used to delete the latest stash

git stash drop stash@{2}

used to delete a praticular stash

GIT TAGS: it tags are markers or labels that you can place on specific commits (versions) in a Git repository. These tags provide a way to give meaningful names to important points in the project's history, such as software releases or significant milestones.


  • git tag

    To see the list of tags

    git tag tagname

    To create normal tag

    git tag -a -m "message" tagname

    To create annotated tag

    git tag -d tagname

    To delete a tag

    git show tagname

    To see the details of the tag


  • GitHub is a web-based platform used for version control.

  • It simplifies the process of working with other people and makes it easy to collaborate on projects.

  • Team members can work on files and easily merge their changes in with the master branch of the project.


git remote add origin repo-url

link local-repo to central-repo

git remote -v

used to get the linked repo in github

git push -u origin branch-name

push the code from local to central

git push -u origin branch-1 branch-2

used to push the code to multiple branches

git push -u origin --all

used to push the code to all branches at a time

git clone repo-url

used to get the code from central to local

git pull origin branch

used to get the chanes from central to local

git fetch branch-name

used to fetch the data from central to local

git fetch --all

used to fetch the changes from all branches in github

git merge origin/branch

used to merge the changes from cental to local

git push -u origin --delete branch-name

used to delete the github branch from local

git remote rm origin

used to unlink the github-repo

git remote rename old -link new-link

used to change the repo


Git is a versatile and powerful tool for version control. Understanding its workflow and commands with real-world scenarios can greatly enhance your development process. Whether you’re working solo or collaborating in a team, Git provides the flexibility and reliability needed for modern software projects.

Explore these commands and features to master Git and streamline your development workflow!